
Designer of Fine Materials for Art

ColorBlast Bar Top Resin
ColorBlast Ocean Cheeseboards
ColorBlast Art Room
Creating, Enhancing Art

Your Best Colors Come to Life!

Wood, Canvas, Concrete, Metal

Earth, Molds, Fiberglass

ColorBlast Bar Top Resin
Ultra-Clear & Super Strong 2:1 Ratio Products

Highest Adhesion, Toughest Surface

SURF BOARDS, BOAT Building, BAR Tops, Furniture, FLOORING


ColorBlast River Table
Ultra-Clear Volume Pour Products

Lets Make a River Table!

Some Cool Jewelry and Purhaps Giant Ice Cubes with Trantulas Inside?

Whatever You Imagine

ColorBlast Ocean Cheeseboards
Ultra-Clear 1:1 Ratio Coatings for Artists

Safe, Easy to Apply.

NO VOCs, Very Minimal Odor,


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Ultra-Clear Artist Top Coat

ColorBlast Ultra-Clear Topcoat

Ultra-Clear Volume Pour

ColorBlast Volume Pour

Ultra-Clear Industrial Strength

ColorBlast Ultra-Clear Surf Epoxy

Flooring Products

ColorBlast Floor Products

Outdoor Products

ColorBlast Outdoor Products


ColorBlast Woodworking Products

Colorblast Art loves to align with artists to produce the finest and safest materials in the industry.

We support and recognize excellent artists who work with ColorBlast Art materials from photo and canvas projects with paints and dyes to sculptures, woodworking and decorative flooring.  Check out ColorBlast Artists bios and galleries.  Their works enhance colors to their most vibrant levels and show magnificent possibilities.

Always searching for the most vibrant, the purest and finest materials from near to far. 

Certified Green Products

ColorBlast Products contain EPD certified “green” as it’s main components use over 75% respace-based epichlorohydrin.  This is a ground-breaking advantage technology as it is environmentally friendly incorporating renewable energy sources while offering outstanding performance properties.

*EPD-Environmental Product Declaration, EPD certification for the production of “Green” epoxy resins and glycerin-based epichlorohydrin as a first in the WORLD!


Searching for the purist, most vibrant and finest materials from here to beyond. 

ColorBlast Art Materials